Ayşe Büşra Topal (Uyuşmazlık Analizi ve Çözümü YL)
Uyuşmazlık Analizi ve Çözümü yüksek lisans programı öğrencilerinden Ayşe Büşra Topal, JRP tarafından Cambridge Üniversitesinde 16 Ağutos'ta düzenlenen “Junior researcher programme’s conference”a katıldı. Bu konferansta Ayşe Büşra Topal ortağı olduğu “How Identity Leadership Fosters Commitment towards the Organization” adlı çalışmayı sundu.
Ceren Aydın (Kültürel Çalışmalar YL)
Kültürel Çalışmalar yüksek lisans öğrencisi Ceren Aydın, University of Huddersfield tarafından 4-5 Haziran 2018 tarihinde düzenlenen “Intersex Social Sciences: Activism, Human Rights, and Citizenship” isimli konferansta “Rethinking Medical Discourse through Intersex Experiences” isimli makalesini sunmuştur.
By bringing together experiences of intersex individuals and dominant medical narratives in contemporary Turkey, this paper raises questions regarding how the human rights of individuals with intersex conditions can be improved. Based on the data collected through in-depth interviews with intersex individuals and with clinicians who take part in their treatment procedures, the paper span4 provides an analysis of implications of medicalization of intersex both on discursive and practical levels; it looks at the kinds of the discourses medicalization enables or suppresses and how the dominant medical discourses around intersex intersect with broader cultural and political discourses, especially in relation to body, gender and sexuality, justifying medical practices that violate the rights of patients to informed consent and bodily integrity. Secondly, it expands upon medical experiences of intersex individuals and shows how these experiences can provide insight into the ways in which intersexuality and health can be rethought.
İsmail Noyan (Tarih YL)
Tarih yüksek Lisans öğrencisi İsmail Noyan, 22-25 Ağustos tarihlerinde Hamburg’ta yapılan ECPR konferansına davet edildi. Noyan, “Muhafazakarlığın Değişime Bakışını Anlamak için Üç Boyut: değişimin yapısı, dönemin entelektüel ve düşünsel yapısı, ve o anki kısıtlamalar” adlı makaleyi sundu ve Ewan Burns’ün “Temelci Muhafazakarlık” adlı makalesine ‘yorumcu’ olarak katkı sağladı. Noyan’ın makalesine ait İngilizce özeti aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
Arguably, the key to understand conservatism is an understanding of the conservative attitude toward change. Although it is mostly acknowledged that the conservative appears to vacillate between accepting and rejecting change, further research is needed to have a better understanding of the conservative attitude toward change. To this end, I propose three-dimensional framework. The span4 dimension, nature of change enables us to understand roughly outlined picture of what sorts of changes are acceptable for conservatives. The second dimension, nature of challenge focuses on historical context and intellectual environment within which the conservative accepts/rejects change. These two dimensions are incorporated into the literature on conservatism, but the third dimension, nature of current constraints (which I think to be crucial to understand conservative mind) is hardly mentioned. Nature of current constraints refers to limitations and/or requirements of time, and the way in which and by whom current institutions, ideas and conditions come into existence. I argue that the conservative accepts change that would not have been acceptable otherwise because of the necessities of time. Furthermore, owing the fact that the conservative values existing conditions, institutions and ideas not because they happen to be there but because they stand the test of time and carry and transfer the knowledge and experience accepting ‘revolutionary’ change --if the current is not the result of such an organic process-- is not contradictory at all.