Sabancı University
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Politics of Memory: Monuments, Museums and Contested Narratives of the Past in Cyprus
Dr. Alaettin Çarıkcı
(Education and Research Programs Coordinator of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research)
25 April 2017, Tuesday
1:15 pm at FASS G048
In recent decades the relation between culture, memory, commemoration and history has been at the centre of a series of academic debates in a burgeoning field that goes by the name of “memory studies”. The discipline of memory studies takes place in a highly politicized topography in Cyprus. In this lecture, Çarıkcı will focus on the cultural sphere to analyse the monuments, museums and sites of memories across the dividing line to delineate the full spectrum of historical circumstances where memory, history, violence, remembrance and cultural productions intersect.