

CONF 594 Pro-seminar in Conflict Resolution II Select Term:
This course provides students and the academic community a global perspective on seminal theory, research, and practice in the arena of peacebuilding and conflict resolution. The course is comprised of presentations by visiting scholars and practitioners, followed by an opportunity to engage in dialogue about their work and current issues in the field. The course will include participants from different world regions and both academic and practice-related backgrounds. In this way, students will be exposed to varying cultural, epistemological, and disciplinary approaches to addressing the complex issues inherent in resolving conflicts. They will also gain models for the application of theory to and design of interventions in real-world settings. It will be conducted in the format of a seminar series, thus allowing for maximum participation of visitors and a rich intellectual discourse on these topics
SU Credits : 0.000
ECTS Credit : 0.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite : -
